St Anne’s theatrical works have opened academic knowledge on climate change to a wider audience, while influencing people to make positive changes and take action.
Category: Editorial
Welcoming Visiting Fellow – Kari Norgaard
Why is it that the majority of people who believe the scientific information on climate change, choose to ignore or downplay the looming effects, and ultimately fail to make basic changes in their day to day lives? Environmental sociologist Kari Norgaard from the University of Oregon has attempted to understand these questions in her research […]
Heat, Death and Loneliness
In an attempt to understand the physical aspects of death, St Anne draws on the expertise of Dr. Glenn Shea.
I Love Todd Sampson (redux)
If experimental, avant garde theatre is your thing, then head to the 107 Projects performance space in Redfern this weekend to catch Michelle St Anne’s show I LOVE TODD SAMPSON. Since graduating in 2003 from the Victorian College Of The Arts (VCA), Michelle has been leaving a strong imprint on the avant garde theatre […]
Reflecting on ‘Black Crows Invaded Our Country’
Professor Danielle Celermajer Sydney has been battered by torrential rain for weeks. Unusual rain, lashing rain, sometimes deafening rain. And in the background, rain that occurs to many of us through the trope of climate change; and so terror-inducing rain. Shuttered in the round-house (that site in the University of Sydney vet school where horses […]
Behind the Curtain…
The Research and Inspiration for ‘Black Crows’ – Part 2 How does Black Crows draw on environmental issues and themes for an axis of storytelling and performance? Thematically, my artistic work steps between environmental and the personal, often referring to it as the epic vs domestic. The Anthropocene gives me a framework to tell story from, to […]
Behind the Curtain
The Research and Inspiration for ‘Black Crows’ – Part 1 On March 24-25, 2017 The Living Room Theatre in partnership with Sydney Environment Institute & the City of Sydney will be hosting ‘Black Crows Invaded Our Country,’ an artistic contextualisation of the public lecture in the merging of academic research with indigenous story, performance, and sound art. Black Crows features research […]
How do we communicate our academic work to the broader public?
The idea is to rethink, recontextualise, and rediscover the usual academic lecture.
Concrete Playground
I Love Todd Sampson is an easy play to recommend, though a hard one to describe.
Trauma and Architecture: The I Love Todd Sampson project
What are the connections between trauma and architecture? “The Rooms of the ‘I Love Todd Sampson’ are like these fragments; at once architecture and entirely of emotion and trauma.” This article by Dr Chris L. Smith is adapted from the presentation given Chris at the opening of I love Todd Sampson, at the Sydney Architecture […]