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Wilbur Whitta, Jim Denley & Romy Caen

  • Wednesday 30 August 7.00PM

The Gladstone Hotel | 572 Marrickville Rd, Dulwich Hill

Ms Kitteridge & Bok Choy is a new jazz and experimental music series in an unlikely space adding to the music scene of Dulwich Hill with a theatrical edge.

Wilbur Whitta, piano
Wilbur Whitta is known as Sydney’s premier background jazz organist, Gadigal based musician Wilbur Whitta has quietly been building a name for himself as a pianist and composer of note. Originally from Canberra, Wilbur has performed extensively around Australia, the UK, Europe and Japan.

Recently, he has appeared as a member of legendary Australian jazz ouKit “Ten Part Invention” and has performed alongside acclaimed international artists Kit Downes (ECM recording artist) and Will Vinson. He was selected as a finalist in the 2021 National Jazz Awards, and in 2019, while living in London, won the UK-based Dankworth Jazz Composition Award. He currently leads his band “Wildfire”, who

Romy Caen – harmonium, synthesiser and percussion
Jim Denley – flutes

Romy and Jim have been musicking together for many years, mainly with the Splinter Orchestra, but also in small groups. With guitarist Nick Ashwood they have a release on the Caterpillar Label – Between Back and Foreground (2021).

‘Between back and foreground’ sort of sums up their music. They inhabit a foggy, supersaturated atmosphere, which at any moment has the potential to clear and reveal a soundscape of surprise or beauty.

Jim Denley’s work emphasizes eco-musicality, spontaneity, site-specificity and co-creation with musickin (human and more-than-human). From 1989 to 2003 he worked with the text/music group Machine for Making Sense. He’s deeply involved with the Splinter Orchestra, an improvising ensemble defined by its radical inclusivity.

In Weather Volume 1: The Hidden Valley (splitrec 31) documents his engagement with the Budawang Mountains, south of Nowra and his current major project is a new set of recordings there, and around Gadigal Country (Sydney Harbour).

Romy Caen is an event organiser, studio manager and musician from Sydney. She plays harmonium in the Splinter Orchestra and electronics with musicians such as Melanie Herbert. She has performed at the Now Now Festival, the Newcastle Weekender Festival and in other small venues around town since 2008.

Ms Kitteridge & Bok Choy – curated by Michelle St Anne, The Living Room Theatre

The series includes innovative collaborations between LRT sonic artists and some new faces. All in the comfort of your local Sports Bar with affordable food & beverage.
Special thanks to our generous supporters: The Gladstone Hotel & Kawai 
