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Instil the creativity for social impact.

What we do

The Consultancy program aims to support and instil the creativity of individuals and organisations for social and sector impact.

Our services include:
– dramaturgical and art/creative direction to engage with new partners in addition to ongoing research regarding the nature of collaboration.
– Public programme curation for cultural and academic communities.
– Methodology labs with artists and corporates looking to introduce creativity into their teams.
– Auspice Agency that assists and supports individual artists within the independent sector to manage their grants.

Ensemble Offspring | Lone Hemisphere
  • Creative designer

    Michelle St Anne emphasises isolation with, in turn, each soloist half-shadowed at the base of a high cone of misty light and each of the six performances newly positioned amid small softly lit sculptural forms, lending the space a cosmological ambience, apt for lone voices in the vastness of the universe. Keith Gallasch - Realtime
